Why Coaching?

What it is

According to the International Coach Federation (ICF), Coaching is partnering with you in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires you to maximize your personal and professional potential.

What it isn’t

It is not therapy, counseling or mentoring. A coach’s job isn't to give you advice or provide you with solutions, but to guide you in bridging the gap between the present (your current reality) and the future (your goals, visions and desired change) on your own.

Potential benefits of coaching

  • Take action and get ‘unstuck’ on your path to reaching your goals

  • Improvements in workplace performance, relationships and communication

  • Greater self-awareness and insight into your barriers to achievement

  • Increased ability to identify solutions and solve problems

  • Adopt new habits and practices more easily

  • More job and life satisfaction


Coaching with Lauren

Whether you’re looking to achieve your goals in your personal or professional life, Lauren is committed to working with you and helping you construct your path to where you want to be.